Chanderpur Group

CPG is the right choice to invest in for Rotary coolers. In fact, we are well known for rotary coolers manufacturer in India. We provide two types of Dryers depending upon the application. These are multistage & single-stage Dryers. The dryer is used for drying materials with a certain humidity or granularity for grinding ores, building materials, metallurgy, and the chemical industry.

Selection of Dryer depends upon the following aspects

  • Properties of a product, both physically and chemically;
  • physically and chemically;
  • The product's value;
  • Size of the production;
  • Fuel availability
  • Consideration of product quality
  • This will depend on the solid's
  • properties (flammability, dust explosion hazard, and toxicity).

Find out more about our services as rotary coolers manufacturer in India by contacting us today.